

I started my career in advertising, eventually moving over to the corporate marketing side. All along, my passion for brand was a common thread to all I did. I'm a brand guy through and through so that's what I write about - branding and marketing. Occasionally I'll throw in a random thought about life here or there too. I hope you enjoy.  

Take Time to Say "Thank you"

Take Time to Say "Thank you"

In the marketing world we talk a lot about how to retain customers through concepts such as retention strategies, engagement campaigns or customer loyalty initiatives. We know we need to keep the customers we worked so hard to get.

What if it was as simple as following the advice we all learned as children – say “thank you.”

Sometimes we (and I put myself into that ‘we’) get so busy we forget to stop and simply tell our customers “thank you.” Our customers work hard for their money. And then they chose to spend some of their hard-earned money to buy something we were selling. We ought to take time to say “thank you.”

With Thanksgiving here, it’s a time to remember this simple advice and apply it to your organization’s brand. And it doesn’t have to be complicated. Send a card, drop a note, say ‘thanks’ on a call, send an e-mail or say “thank you” on your website.

It’s really that simple.

And I believe this same advice applies to us, personally. As we fly into the busy holiday season (which, by the way, has been underway since before Halloween!), let’s not be so busy that we forget to tell the people around us how grateful we are for them. Tell your colleagues, friends and family members how much you appreciate them. That’s not a customer loyalty program. That’s just being polite.

And being polite is just as good for your brand as it is for you.

So, “thank you” to all in my life.

Happy Thanksgiving!

A new year. A great time to reflect.

A new year. A great time to reflect.

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day