

I started my career in advertising, eventually moving over to the corporate marketing side. All along, my passion for brand was a common thread to all I did. I'm a brand guy through and through so that's what I write about - branding and marketing. Occasionally I'll throw in a random thought about life here or there too. I hope you enjoy.  

Fall - A Season of Preparation

Fall - A Season of Preparation

In my opinion, there is nothing like a walk on a cool, autumn afternoon to remind me that fall is a great time of year. Leaves change color, summer temperatures cool, and we watch in awe as Mother Nature prepares herself for winter. It’s truly magical.

As with Nature, organizations have seasons. And over the years, I’ve learned that the seasonality of an organization can provide a good opportunity to reexamine the fundamental structure of its brand. Effective brands are well-built, and artfully crafted, to stand the test of time. Just like changing seasons, however, conditions around a brand are ever-changing. This is especially true in today’s fast-paced world. For many organizations, the calendar year is their annual season. And the coming of a new cycle in the organizational season – like fall – is a great time to ensure brands are still aligned with the business direction, overall objectives, and fluctuating market conditions.

As your organization approaches a new season, here are a few things to consider:

-         Market Conditions – Are there new competitors in your space? What is happening with sales in your organization? How are consumers engaging with your brand? What else is new to consider?

-         Core Brand Position – Does your brand position still resonate? Is it still relevant to your consumers?

-         Brand Filters/Attributes – Core brand positions should very rarely change. Brand filters, however, should be designed to be flexible. As you examine your consumer base, and a changing market, look at your filters to see if they need an adjustment.

-         Brand Design Elements – What is still working? What isn’t? What needs a subtle adjustment to stay current?

This fall, as you enjoy a brisk walk and see the beautiful leaves turning glorious hues of orange, yellow, and red, take a few minutes to reflect on the cycle of your organization’s brand. Good brands should stand the test of time, but so does Mother Nature. And if she prepares for a new season, shouldn’t you?

Happy Fall!

Rainy Days. Strong Brands.

Rainy Days. Strong Brands.

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